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Over 230,000 Australians that returned to work after having retired…almost 30% of retirees are bored and 41% are financially challenged. (ABS)

For those thinking of retirement, starting a consultancy business might be a good option to help financially and to reduce boredom.

MAUS Business Systems, an innovative software publishing and training company based in Sydney northern beaches has announced they will be hosting a one day accredited Certificate training course in Consultancy Fundamentals. This is targeted at senior managers, business owners & accountants particularly those that are thinking of retiring or want to transition.

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Research from Australian Government:

According to the ABS, approximately 230,000 previously retired Australians, returned back to work 2010-11. The most common reason for returning to work was financial based (41 per cent) followed by a desire for something to do (28 per cent)…

A recent study conducted by the ABS indicated that an increasing number to people were moving into part-time roles to assist with the transition.

There are also many experienced workers who are considering retirement. Often these people want to keep working in the respective field, utilising their extensive knowledge, skills and experience but may want to scale back from their current role.

“Our course greatly helps anyone that wants to start a business consultancy” says Peter hickey, CEO & founder of MAUS Business Systems. “A consultancy business is a low investment, lifestyle business. It provides the consultant with the satisfaction of being able to give back to small to medium sized business the wealth of experience that has been developed over many years. It also can be very lucrative.

MAUS conducts regular One Day Consultancy Certificate courses. The next course is on October 30th at the International Management College in manly.

 “This workshop will focus on the fundamentals from building a profitable business model to winning new clients. Each candidate will actually walk away with a complete step by step client workbook.

Peter Hickey, CEO and founder MAUS

[biginfobox color=”#1e73be” textcolor=”#ffffff” title=”More Information ” href=”https://www.maus.com.au/start-consultancy-one-day-certificate-course/” button_title=”Click Here”][/biginfobox]


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